The centre of your grants activity

Welcome to the Grants Expertise Management Portal

Designed specifically for the needs of nonprofit organisations, GEM Portal centralises and streamlines your grant-seeking activities.

A GEM Portal account will allow your nonprofit to:

  • View or update your customised Grants Calendar: a 12-month list of grants that are relevant to your organisation’s projects and mission, allowing you to plan strong, targeted applications ahead of deadlines.
  • Receive email alerts when relevant deadlines change, and when new grant prospects become available.
  • View grant and funder records, and click through to funder websites.
  • Record details of your applications, update their progress, and produce custom reports on your grant-seeking program.
  • Receive reminders about upcoming reporting due dates.

How the demo works

You will be logged into the demo GEM Portal as the fictional "Demo Charity".

Throughout the demo site you will see bubbles like these, explaining the site's functionality. Of course, these will not appear in the live version.

The demo is fully interactive, allowing you to click through grant records, review upcoming opportunities and create grant calendars.

If you have any questions about the GEM Portal or using the demo, please call Strategic Grants on (07) 3892 1150 (Australia), 09 801 0433 (New Zealand) or email [email protected]

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